we strive to provide high-quality products and services to meet the needs of our customers. However, we understand that there may be occasions where you may need to request a return or refund. Our return policy is designed to be fair and transparent, keeping your satisfaction in mind.

General Return Policy for Ionfirm Services

Service-Based Products
We offer a variety of digital services including software solutions, website development, and digital marketing. Given the nature of these services, once work has begun or has been delivered, refunds are generally not applicable. However, we will work with you to resolve any concerns you may have.

Eligibility for Refund

  • Refunds are considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on the service provided and the stage of the project.
  • If a refund is applicable, it will be processed within 7-14 business days.

Subscription-Based Services
Subscription services like CRM, ERP, and other SaaS offerings are non-refundable once the subscription has been activated and used.

You may cancel the subscription, but refunds will not be provided for any remaining subscription period.

Return Policy for Ionfirm’s Products

Eligibility for Refund

  • Products with annual or lifetime subscriptions can be refunded within 7 days of purchase, provided the product has not been activated or used.
  • Once the product has been used, no refunds will be granted.

How to Request a Return or Refund

  • To request a refund, please contact our customer support team at support@ionfirm.com.
  • Ensure that your request is submitted within the applicable return window.
  • Please provide all necessary details such as your purchase information and the reason for your return.

Contracted Services and Declined Projects

For contracts or services where a customer chooses to decline or discontinue after the initial agreement, refunds will be evaluated based on the work completed to date. In cases where the project has commenced and resources have been allocated, only partial refunds or no refunds will be provided, depending on the stage of the project.

Important Points to Note

  • Refunds will only be processed through the original mode of payment.
  • For products or services eligible for refunds, the amount will be refunded within 7-14 business days from the approval date.
  • In case of disputes, Ionfirm reserves the right to review and make final decisions based on internal policies.